quarta-feira, 18 de maio de 2011

Exercises to have fun!!!

1-      Complete with the correct form of the present perfect:
A)     I ___________________ the question. (to answer)
B)     She ________________ the window. (to open)
C)     They __________________ us lately. (to call)
D)     You ____________________ a box three times. (to carry)
E)      It ____________________ a lot!! (to rain)
F)      He ____________________ the car recently. (to wash)
G)     My family ____________________ to Salvador. They love this city. (to be)
H)     She ______________ a new dress. (to buy)
I)        He _______________ a glass of Milk. (to drink)
J)       They _____________ dinner for us. (to cook)
K)      Sue _______________ a lot for the test. (to study)
L)      Vera _______________ in Paris for a long time. (to live)
M)   _________ you ____________ to solve this exercise? (to begin)
N)     ________ Peter ___________ anything wrong? (to say)
O)    Helen ______________ a taxi yet. (to drive- not)
P)      _________ Claire __________ glasses for a long time? (to wear)
Q)    He ________________ many books since He arrived. (to read)
R)     Julia and I ______________ Mr. Brown yet. (to meet- not)
S)      Emily _________________ in the sea. (to swim)
T)      They ____________ the explanation. ( to understand)

2-      Complete the sentences using ever, never, already, yet and just in the correct way:
A)     Have you ___________ eaten lobster?
No. I´ve  ___________ eaten this kind of food.
B)     I´ve ___________ traveled by plane. I would like to do.
C)     Do you want a piece of cake?
No, thanks. I´ve __________ had lunch.
D)     Has she ___________  bought her new house?
Yes. She has _________ bought. It is a beautiful house.
E)      Have you ___________ driven your new car?
No. I haven´t driven ________.

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